
Coding in some form or another has always been a part of my life since I built my first website as a kid, but my enjoyment of coding really started with Action Script. I discovered that with a little bit of code, I tell the program to do even more and was hooked. The projects below are a few of my favorite projects, that I can publicly share, that I’ve done over time with various coding languages.


Element451 API Module

After joining Element451 one of my first tasks was learning Python, brushing up on SQL, and learning how to engage with the Element451 API. After completing the Python lessons, I built a module that we could provide clients that were interested in using Python to automate their integration processes. Our managed integrations use Python, and I continue to build, fix, improve, and manage these projects.

View the source code on GitHub

Streamlit Apps

While working on our managed integrations, I used the Streamlit framework to create apps to improve our processes. One such project was improving and then adding to our Ethos Access Checker to include a way for Ethos clients to verify the quality of their school & CEEB data. Another one was creating a way to clone import templates and customize them automatically to meet a clients Common App layout.


Element451 Make App

As Element451 expanded the capabilities for integration, one of the projects I led from idea generation, to development, to publication was the Element451 Make app. This allows clients to integrate third part systems with Element451 in a no-code environment. It was great to see this project successfully launched and have clients use it.

Google Sheets Budget Builder

At one point I had the idea of making a Google Sheets budget to sell on Etsy that was super flexible and allowed an individual to “build” parts of their budget. While I ultimately decided that Etsy was over saturated with budgets after doing some market research, I did see the project through to completion as a way to practice my JavaScript and learn how to work with Google’s App Script. In the end I believe I came up with unique product with some neat features (like quick add that make it easy to add a receipt from your phone). The fully functional budget is freely available below for anyone to use or share.

View on Google Sheets
Save a copy from Google Sheets

Confetti and Connect CRM Scripts

During my time at Berea College, I was able to customize and improve our CRM to better meet our needs by expanding the potential of our admissions students portal. The Anthology Connect CRM had a rather limited student portal, but through some custom JavaScript I was able to expand our use to include an application checklist with progress bar and other custom functions. One of the parts I really enjoyed was the challenge of creating a confetti effect using just vanilla JavaScript (no jQuery) for our new digital offer letter. I presented both of these during a 2022 Anthology webinar.
View the source code on GitHub
View other Admissions projects on JSFiddle

Connect Plugin

In an attempt to streamline processes for the Berea College Office of Admissions, I created a browser plugin to accomplish several tasks, including auto-filling fields, removing field values, highlighting values, and showing alerts for certain situations. I actually ended up presenting about the plugin during the 2019 Anthology user conference.

View the source code on GitHub


As a part of my minor in Computer Science at Berea College, I spent two semesters focusing on Java and a semester learning to write Android Apps. During the first few weeks of the Android Development course, we used App Inventor to gain a basic understanding of the Android layout and environment as well to assist in tutoring the lower level Android class. For the rest of the semester I worked with a team member to write Android apps natively in Eclipse using the ADT bundle. Our main project was the BC Convo App, for which I wrote a large portion of the code. Since I enjoyed the challenge of writing code and creating a unique product, I independently continued to work on and improve the BC Convo App, as well as creating a BC Quick Contact App after the semester was over. These are no longer being developed or available in the Google Play Store. However, the source code is available on GitHub

BC Convo

This app allowed the user to keep track of the convocations that he or she had attended throughout their semesters at Berea College. The layout was optimized for both phones and tablets. The data was hard-coded into the app, but I had hopes of another app update that would allow for XML update capability for the convocation information.

View the source code on GitHub

BC Quick Contacts

This app allowed the user to quickly contact various departments on campus either by calling them directly, or emailing them. The app also provided information about each department like hours, location, and extension. The layout changed slightly depending on if the device supports calling or not. 

View the source code on GitHub

BC Map

This was a relatively simple app, which used open source code to show an image and be able to zoom in and move around. The app was never released and left in alpha stage. Some of this was due to time constraints from working on the other two apps, but also due to having to update a portion of the Adobe Illustrator file that the map originally come from.